This page has excerpts from the Murray Ledger & Times article by MARTHA ANDRUS

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Tim Thurmond, president of the Murray Pickleball Association, has some updates to share on the Pickleball Complex at the Murray-Calloway County Park. The location of the complex will be at the corner of Arcadia and North Eighth Street which is at the curve and across the street from Need Line.

Thurmond said the entrance to the complex will be from the park, not from the street. You will enter from the road once you turn into the park and the complex will be on the right. Parking spaces will be located behind the complex.

Thurmond said the Murray Pickleball Association has raised $700,000. “Our goal is to build nine courts and right now we have enough to pay for seven courts. We are still raising funds, not only from companies and businesses, but from individuals. Visit and donations may be made there. We have also set up a GoFundMe for the Murray Pickleball Association. We will be offering pavers for $100, $250 or $500. We want to be able to build the nine courts, so we are still accepting and needing  donations.”

Pictured is Saputo representatives presenting the check to the Murray Pickleball Association, from left, Chad Wortham, MPA secretary; Johnny Bohannon, Park Committee chairman; Jody DeWitt, HR manager, Saputo; Tim Thurmond, MPA president; Patrick Zimmerman, Plant manager, Saputo; Mike Sykes, Park director; Donna Tervo, MPA treasurer; Grant Rudolph, Park Committee member; and James Osborne, city administrator.

From left, Bobby Deitz, engineer with BFW; Josh Vernon, architect with Urban Fabric; Tim Thurmond; Johnny Bohannon, Park Board chairman; Steve Wilheim, MCC Park maintenance director; and Mike Sykes (holding his daughter), MCC Park director, standing in the outfield of the present ballfield where the new pickleball complex will be located in Central Park.

The pickleball sign hanging on the fence at Central Park pictured with, from left, Josh Vernon, Tim Thurmond, Bobby Deitz, Steve Wilheim, Mike Sykes and Johnny Bohannon.

The location of the complex will be at the corner of Arcadia and North Eighth Street which is at the curve and across the street from Need Line.

Arcadia and North Eighth Street, Murray, Kentucky 42071

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