Pictured is Saputo representatives presenting the check to the Murray Pickleball Association, from left, Chad Wortham, MPA secretary; Johnny Bohannon, Park Committee chairman; Jody DeWitt, HR manager, Saputo; Tim Thurmond, MPA president; Patrick Zimmerman, Plant manager, Saputo; Mike Sykes, Park director; Donna Tervo, MPA treasurer; Grant Rudolph, Park Committee member; and James Osborne, city administrator.

Saputo joins the Murray Pickleball Donor Team​

The city of Murray and the Murray Pickleball Association are happy to announce that Saputo USA , on behalf of their Murray-based employees, has made a significant financial contribution to the new Murray Pickleball Complex that will be located on the current Field Five in Central Park.

FNB Becomes Sponsor

FNB bank recently pledged to donate $100,000 to the Murray Pickleball Association (MPA) for the new pickleball complex. The planned pickleball complex was offered by the City of Murray to the Murray Pickleball Association and will be located at the corner of North 8th and Payne streets.

Rudolph Pickleball Complex Breaks Ground

Some of the major sponsors of the newly named Rudolph Pickleball Complex are pictured at a groundbreaking ceremony for the facility Tuesday morning. The Rudolph family businesses purchased the naming rights, and Murray Park Committee member Grant Rudolph and his sister, Mallory Howard, are pictured at left. Also pictured are sponsor representatives, from left, FNB Bank President Sally Hopkins, FNB Bank Murray-Calloway County Market President Amy Futrell, and Jeremy Whitmore, executive director of the Calloway County Tourism Commission.

Tourism Commission Makes Major Contribution to MPA

A huge thank you to the Calloway County Tourism Commission for their donation of $80,000 to the Murray Pickleball Complex! We continue to move toward our fundraising goals to bring a first rate facility to Murray! #callowaycounty #murrayky #pickleballrocks #pickleball #murraypickleball

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