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The Murray Pickleball Association is working to construct a new, state-of-the-art Pickleball Complex! The goal is to develop a facility on the corner of North 8th and Gil Hopson Dr that will be second to none. While modernizing our original Central Park facility, this new facility will provide a strong regional impact for our entire community.

The Murray Pickle Ball Association (MPA) is a 501(c)(3) Kentucky non-profit business. All monies that go into this program will directly be applied to the construction of this new facility. Click here for more photos and information. The facility will bring players and tourists to Murray. It will serve all ages in the community.

You have a unique opportunity to participate in this development in several ways. But, the main ways are through membership, personal pavers, or sponsorships. This new facility will benefit our businesses and citizens of Murray Kentucky for decades to come. Visit at this site or on our Facebook Group page. Or just email us.

Murray Pickleball Complex will be located in Central Park, Murray, Kentucky

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